Friday 5 December 2008

Freedom of Expression

There are over one hundred million “blogs” online. Thanks to the internet, millions of people are able to broadcast across the world that which would previously only have been found written in shit on the walls of an asylum.

Examples of typical blog content.

MIKEY LONG describes himself as a Christan (sic) movie reviewer who wants to save people from the devil by stopping them watching films. Some of Mikey’s criticism of popular film includes describing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as “a film about a lion trying to be Jesus which is blasphemy.” He goes on to say that, “This lion called Aslo get on a table and gets tied up like a crusifix then he come back to life like jesus except when jesus did it it was real and is proved in books whereas this is just a fairy story." Mikey finishes the review by stating that, "If you like this film you like the devil becasue of jesus and whorshipping false lions which is forbidden.”

In other reviews Mikey states that Lost in Translation, starring Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson, “is about a peedofile who chases a young virgin through the gambling city of the devil.” Mikey also informs us that E.T. The Extra Terrestrial is about “a stupid brown rubber toy that shits itself." He goes on to say that, "E.T is this thing with a long finger with a swollen red tip which he uses on a boy which is illegal. His neck grows as well which looks like something.”

TRACY SHORT’S PSYCHIC BLOG OF DESTINY offers the reader “A look behind the curtain at the wonderful world of mediumship”. The author publishes daily transcripts of “actual proved readings” where she “speaks to people’s relatives who have become stuck in the paranormal.” The following was taken from Tracy’s transcript of a session with “Mrs Smith who is my auntie’s best friend’s friend and has got six dogs.”

TRACY : I see an accident… Involving water.


TRACY : Right, but something happened didn’t it? Involving water?


TRACY : ... Well, no, something did happen with water didn’t it? In the last week?


TRACY : You didn’t drink any water? Over the past week. You weren’t thirsty?

MRS SMITH : Well of course I drank some water but -

TRACY : I’ve just proved I can talk to the dead.

BRING BACK THE DEATH PENALTY is a blog by Joe Stringer. Each week Joe shares his thoughts on murderers and how “no one who wants to take someone’s life can ever be recuperated and that’s why I want these people killed.” Joe goes on to say that when he thinks about people who kill, he “can taste blood”. In recent weeks Joe has been trying to form a “lynch mob” in order to deliver “justice” to an old man on his street who was at one time accused of murdering his wife but was later acquitted. Mr Stringer states that “he KNOWS” this man is guilty. He goes on to say that “this man lives at number 19, number 20, or number 22 down my road, I don’t know which. Either way, someone’s going down.” Numerous comments on the site claiming that the man in question was acquitted because his wife was discovered alive and well off the coast of Somalia and that the couple have been living happily together for the last six years - have been ignored.

MEL GIBSON IS THE NEXT JESUS is a blog about Mel Gibson being the next Jesus. The anonymous author of this insightful journal states that “He never would have guessd that lootenant scully from lethal weapen would end up being the saviour of mankind but it’s proved now so that’s the end of it.” In response to comments asking for examples of said proof, the author sites the film What Women Want in which “Mel Gibson heard women's thoughts which is what jesus proved he could do when he was handing out fish and he guessed whether women wanted fish or bread by reading their thoughts (mainly bread).”

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